Life of Death vs KDP

coverToday I’m making time to get the Life of Death out through Smashwords and Drivethru. The KDP contract with Amazon has finally run out. Hoozah!

My feedback for the KDP program itself isn’t very good. First of all, I was forced to price The Life of Death at 2.99 or higher. I suppose if I were someone uber famous like Terry Pratchett that would have been alright. But I’m not, and that high of a price in this type of economy can’t have helped.

Secondly, if you plugged in the book’s name into their search engine it wouldn’t come up. Talk about a bum wrap. Even today after the book had time to get into their system, I couldn’t find it with a general search. Books with titles that weren’t even similar didn’t even come up. I had to put in the book’s title with my own name to have a chance of finding it – or simply go to my author page and look down the list. How can my book even sell if it isn’t going to come up in a search?

The only times my book sold or was downloaded was when I offered it for free through the KDP promotional program – in which I was only given about 3 days tops. It didn’t download that many, by the way. Less than 20.

So that in the end, Amazon held my book as a prisoner in their system for over 90 days while I champed at the bit waiting for the agreement to be up so that I could offer it somewhere else that might actually let it be seen by the general public.

My conclusion: KDP is not the great thing everyone thought it was and I’m very unlikely to do it again. Not even for Heavenly Bride, which will be releasing the next chapter soon and has an okay following over at Amazon. Mind you, most of the reviewers these days are people who don’t like it but I obviously can’t please anybody so won’t be trying too hard from here out. 🙂

Freado – a review

Through my marketing explorations, I’ve discovered a website or two that claims to help you to promote your book. One such place is It looks snazzy and shiny. It will host a book giveaway for you. You can use part of their services for free, but you gotta pay for the really good ones. I’ve been a member there for a while now, but with this quest I realized I had to up the anty to get things going.

It’s got a lot of stuff, does this website. You can build games, crossword puzzles, join the forum, add a widget to your Facebook page. When it comes to online presence, this website is a boost and a half for your book. Believe me, you want an online presence for your book. Big name authors get that online presence a lot easier than us little guys. Their fans talk about them all over the place, where we gotta talk about ourselves. I’ll have to get into online presence for my third marketing quest post, though.

So I bit the bullet and paid a membership fee for The Life of Death‘s promotion with Freado. The comic market is pretty darn fierce as it is, so I figured if Freado was as good as they make themselves out to be I would see some results.  I didn’t buy the ultimate premo package, only the middle.

I got things like the ability to set up a landing page widget for my book, an automatic tweeter to tweet about my book for me ever so much amount of time, something to get Facebook Likes with, Forum access, Amazon alerts to monitor my sales status, a hosted book giveaway, my book being shoved in reading users’ faces, and the ability to get reciprocal book reviews. A lot of these came with the free package. All of these except for the widgets and the being shoved part I probably could have done myself. But, I thought, it will show my book to potential readers! And a giveaway is always good pr.

I’m offering 15 books.Only 3 people have asked for the giveaway and there’s only three days left. Meanwhile on Amazon, where I enrolled The Life of Death with KDP select, the book is for free until the 5th. It has had 40 downloads where it had only 1 by a long-time loyal fan before the promotion started. So essentially with Freado I’m paying money to try to give my book away for free, and that’s failing.

I don’t have a Facebook online presence, but even if I did the widgets would be pointless. People don’t normally go to your Facebook page. They go to their Facebook feed.

Twitter is also not necessarily that good of a marketing platform, simply because it’s oversaturated with people screaming for you to look at them.  How is anyone going to see your tiny little tweet past all that mess? I know I miss out on a lot. I’ve not seen a change in my book statuses because of Twitter.

And my blog here? Someone reads it, I’m sure, but not enough people do for the Freado widget to make much of a difference.

To Freado’s benefit, though, I also put a book giveaway widget on the Heavenly Bride page and no one has asked for it there either. Unless those three people were coming to me from Heavenly Bride – how’s that for a kick in the self esteem?

The only good thing I can see coming out of it is the ability to get reciprocal reviews on your own time. (Because joining a group is a time killer. If you work like me that will never fly.)

So I’m going to have to give Freado only three stars. It’s a social marketing platform that helps you to centralize how you’re marketing your book. It offers some shiny tools, but unless you already have a large online presence that’s not going to make much of a difference. And if you already have a large online presence, you probably don’t need the shiny tools. You would only need to mention what’s going on. Gotta love irony.

Yep. Three stars.