RBT Game Mini-playbook

After such a long time of not being able to be productive, it sure does feel weird to finish another project. Which I just did today.

Enter the Random Battle Tabletop Game, which I just finished today after months and months of writing. I didn’t do it alone, of course: The other half threw in ideas from time to time and wrote a paragraph or three. But I’m proud to say I did most of the work, and for the first time in ages I completed that work. Feels good!

The RBT Game is meant to be a battle game companion to Akashik and the other stories associated with that universe. I wanted a fighting game option so that when a battle is coming up in the story, I can roleplay it out with hopefully hilarious effects. That’s why this game was born.

I decided to share it with people for, well, pretty much free. So you can visit the Akashik website (www.akashikonline.com) to see the rules online. Or you can go here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295772/The-Random-Battle-Tabletop-Game to download it either free or with an optional purchase.

I hope you enjoy the game!

Expanding my freelancing nets

I’ve been #narrating #audiobooks at #acx for a little while now, and recently I’ve felt like maybe I’m good enough to expand my nets a little. Obviously I’m not self-centered enough to think I can do it all, but narrating an audiobook I’m comfortable with.

So I opened a gig at fiverr.com – which those that actually know fiverr exists (I was surprised to learn today that this is not always the case) think it means you only get $5 for your hard work. This isn’t true. My gig options START at $5. The more words you need, the more the cost of the gig as is only proper.

I’ve spent three days to set it up so that things are priced affordably and yet I’m getting a fair amount as a beginner.

And now I wait to see if the work comes.

If you’re curious, the gig is here: https://www.fiverr.com/spearcarrier/record-edit-and-master-your-nonfiction-book-for-acx?fbclid=IwAR0yQvJXtL_07nMPFLS8nf9OdV7KV6QJ8CGHEO6gc02YPmPjyhkttLbhFv0