Cel Shading

Looking for opinions.

Tech talk: Accidentally found an excellent tutorial on how to use the pwshader toon shader presets by Crescent. My entire day got sucked away into DAZ 3D as a result – which wasn’t easy being as my motherboard is dying.

I like this look better than the other one I was playing with and can see this as a better choice for the comic. (May be easier to tone, too.) And it looks a lot like how I’d color Akashik on most days. (Some days were super good, some days not so much.)

Corridor by *spearcarrier on deviantART

Squat by *spearcarrier on deviantART

By contrast, this is what I was playing with before:

Strong Angel Woman by *spearcarrier on deviantART

It’s a more artistic style, but 1. it doesn’t quite fit Akashik’s mood and 2. It always doesn’t lend well to the image at hand. This can be a problem.

And then:

Bend Over…. by *spearcarrier on deviantART

Yes, I’m afraid I’m going to go mostly 3D. I considered not going 3D very seriously, but then I hit an entire week with hand problems. It just can’t be done. I have enough trouble trying to do Heavenly Bride and 10 Confessions. I’m sorry, for those of you who were holding out to see my art. However, this doesn’t mean my hand won’t brush panels or do the occasional side story. And stick art. It will be there. Just for my health I gotta be careful.

Neat Find. Poor Thing.

I got a kit from plaincards.com to make some cards for my trading card game to send off and to have at the rare convention I attend. The disappointment in the very poor quality of their expensive product got me doing some research, and I came across the Card Game Forge.

It’s a place with a forum and ways to post your independent card game so that other members can download it, print it, and test it for you. It has a way to add your game to the database (and take it down, so don’t worry). It’s a pretty neat little site.  The problem? It’s largely dead. There’s next to no activity there.
Oh, I added my game anyway don’t get me wrong. As I’ve said before, my game is more so I can have art cards to pass out at conventions so I’m not eager to push it becoming the next big thing. (There’s no way I could keep up with something like that. It would have to become so big I could hire.) But it would be nice if I had it tested. I think there’s some kinks in the dueling part of the rules – my instincts tell me this has the possibility to become a mess and needs to be worked out with, well, work.
Anyway, if you have an indie card game you want tested and don’t have a lot of people near you like I do try the Card Game Forge. Can’t guarantee anyone will use it, but it seems to me that if gamers looking for free games as well as developers with their games came to this place it could be a community with some excellent synergy.
http://www.cardgameforge.com/ – the Game Forge link. Woo hooo!