Been thinking.

And I’ve decided that yes I’ll be skipping Cyphacon this year. But I may also skip Bayoucon this year. And we won’t be putting up a Christmas tree, although if I can get a wreath I’d like that for the door. =^-^=

The past year’s events have kind of left me… not wanting to do these things anymore. A lot of what I’ve been doing was for my children’s sake: I’d pick up trinkets at the con for one, I’d drag the other along so she could have fun, we’d put their presents under the tree. It’s all kind of pointless now, really. My kids will never know how much my world centered around them, that even when working a lot of it was for them in some offhand fashion… from buying food to somehow getting a prom dress… to sending the boy a card or random item I thought he’d like. These days I’m just… fuck it. There’s literally no reason to bother any more. So I’m throwing out the hype, the glitter mess, the exhaustion and trading it in for peace and quiet.

I haven’t been able to put out a single new chapter for HB all year because of all that’s happened: that’s a big incentive for not doing any conventions. I have nothing new.

And I don’t want to do commissions so much anymore. I’m burned out. I want to do my *own* stuff. I wake up every day wishing I’d win the lottery or… something… so I could, indeed, do my own stuff.

But maybe we’ll go just to hang out. I haven’t gotten to do that since… oh… ever.  =^-^=

Random post title!

I’ve been preoccupied lately with work while getting nothing done. Things are balancing out so that I’m able to back off even more and consider making comics a bit more of more in my time schedule. This is good.

3D developments continue: made an Akashik comic the other day simply because I could. It doesn’t look how I like it yet – probably will never – and I’m actually considering making up a process where it’s half drawn and half 3d. This way it would have more of my flavor but my hand might survive the making. Anyway, it’s no rush considering the finances and all that. One thing at a time.

On another comic note, I’m incredibly frustrated. I found a way to return 10 Confessions back to its original form. This return would help my hand, put 10 Confessions back on track, and make things how I want them. It was an art plugin called AKVIS that made it possible. I had a trial version, and that version ran out. So I’m sitting here stuck on 10 – so close, so very very close – until I can get the money to continue. It’s like being stuck outside the wall wanting in from the cold. Brrr!

And finally, I do have more Cyphacon and (now) Bayoucon footage for you. I keep trying to upload the next segment and it keeps timing out. We’ve been having some internet troubles lately so maybe that’s it. But I am working on it, I promise!

And I guess that’s it for now, eh?