Bridal Confessions

No, I’m not getting married again. It’s just that it’s time to do another update in the world that is my comics – 10 Confessions & Heavenly Bride.

While things are at an all-time lull, I made some time to work on 10 Confessions. First, I checked the price of Manga Studio EX to see if it was on sale again. To my delight it was on sale from its normal $300 at $100: still expensive, but I had just enough to finally buy my own copy for 10 Confessions use. Soon, soon it shall arrive. SOON. Mwahahaha.

Second, I needed to up my artistic process a bit more. 10 Confessions’ art isn’t near at detailed as Heavenly Bride’s, but it still could use some improvement. One of my processes, using 3D models to figure out poses, seemed a good way to do it. So I took some time on my only day off. Zoe, Alexi and Lala are now 3D models. Here are Zoe and Lala!

I never rendered Alexi. Sorry about that! And these aren’t very good renders, I know – but these guys are so I can improve the drawn art for 10 Confessions. I’m not really interested in doing a 3D comic at this time.

Heavenly Bride’s first book finally has finished, in case you haven’t noticed, and I’ve sent it to the printer. I’m waiting for my preview copy now. In the meantime, I started another Kickstarter campaign that will probably fail. You can see the widgit for it on the Heavenly Bride website.

And in mundane news, my dog almost died from parvo last week. But he’s a stubborn little sucker and that’s all I have to say about that for now!

The Last Standing Comic

Having to quit my webcomic, Akashik, didn’t really give me more time in the day like some readers wished it would. The whole point to having to quit was that survival wasn’t giving me any time. Sometimes, however, time does land itself in my lap. And that time has been spent on Heavenly Bride, my last standing webcomic.

I’ve been rewriting the opening to Heavenly Bride because, well, openings are my weakness. I always take too long to set things up, or I make things too complicated by introducing too many characters or giving the reader too much information. I’ve been working on that and where my webcomic used to get crappy reviews it has begun to get five stars – which makes me all a flutter and wanting to draw it even faster. The final page to the entire series, that last sealing bit of artwork, burns in my head day and night. I’d like to get to it.

The rewrite is finally over and two days ago I managed to seal the pact and begin re-releasing the chapters back to the public. They’re currently up on Amazon up to Chapter 4. I’m having a small hitch with Smashwords and their naming policies (They don’t want me calling the chapters “Chapter 2”, even though that’s kind of what the chapters are called for some sequential reason.) so they are currently only distributing Chapters 1 and 2. I’m currently trying to work with them on this because the old Chapter 2 they’re distributing isn’t very readable and I’d like for them to approve the new and approved, easy to read version I put up two days ago.

But I’ve got things together up to Chapter 4, which means I can now reassemble the first chapter book (creatively named Book 1) and put it up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. Or something. I dunno.

The thing is I’m currently at a loss for what to draw as the new cover for Book 1. I was just using the cover for Chapter 1, but yeah. That’s not working. I’d be interested in any ideas, but otherwise blaaaah. If I can find the time to draw it, that is…..