Filk Update

Let’s talk a moment about the filk my friend wrote for me. I think I’m ready to record. The lyrics are… well they’re not 100% how I like ’em but they probably never will be that. =^-^= I had to take my friend’s lyrics and make them fit the song. Her lyrics had great points but too many syllables.

In case you forgotten, the tune is from Johnathon Coulton’s “Want You Gone” from video game fame Portal 2. The filk is referencing Kim Harrison’s Ever After, a book I really should read if I can find the time. And this is where the fact I don’t play an instrument comes in, because obviously this means I can’t make my own musical arrangement. Well, if I wanted it to be straight tambourine I guess that would work but it doesn’t really.

The only voiceless musical arrangement I can find is by Coulton himself, so I found him on Facebook and shot him a message today. One should do that anyway, so okay dokay fine.

Hopefully he’ll get back to me on it. In the meantime I may take a look on triberr and see if I can find a guitar player willing to play it for me so that I can step a bit away from Coulton’s music – I love his arrangement piece. I think using it is slightly disrespectful.

And hopefully  he’ll say yes.

One of the next projects

A friend of mine, War from my Apocalypse Writers team, is a big time reader, and there’s a book series she’s been talking to me about. I can’t remember the name of the series, being as I don’t read it myself, but I do remember that she ended up getting inspired to filk about it. The song she chose to filk to is I Want You Gone by Johnathon Coulton, who puts his songs up for free download and keeps them open for a variety of uses. Not that filking another song wouldn’t still be protected under U.S. parody acts as well as certain Fair Usages… but I was happy she’s picked Coulton’s song. I prefer to do things with and for people who have a more open mind to copyright and the play of marketing by word on the street.

We filk his song and people hear about his song. And he might get more people listening to him. And we don’t get greedily sued for having a little harmless fun. It’s perfect.

War has already sent me several versions of the lyrics. On the next day I’ve set aside to play I’ll be taking a look at them. More on that later.